Tuesday, April 20, 2010

worry.....just plain ol' worry

well......as i posted....rex drove 5.5 hours to chicago on thursday......spent 8 hours at a class on friday....(some of it on his feet.....most sitting in a chair).....then i arrive on friday night! after we drove to the suburbs of chicago, he complained about his calf hurting and started to massage it!!!!! NO>>>>>> never.....REPEAT.....NEVER massage a calf that is hurting!!!!! okay.....my public announcement is over......anyway......after i told him NOT to massage his leg, i took a quick peek... not red, swollen or warm to touch! so just told him to keep me informed!

saturday.......at ikea he again said it hurt!!!!! well.....ikea just happens to have little paper tape measures hanging around.......so i made him raise his pant legs and measured his calves.....just a 1/4 inch difference!!!!! so again told him to keep me informed............
drove 5.5 hours home saturday night and no further comments!!

sunday......rex goes to work at the Pottery Barn for 5 hours.............no comments!~

fast forward to monday am.........he calls me at WORK...(first time in over 2 years!) and tells me his calf is hurting badly and his foot is going numb! so quickly called joe (our primary) and then met rex at the ER...............1 hour and probably $1000 later.....no DVT. (blood clot)....thank god and just muscle inflammation! so home for the rest of the day
with the leg elevated and iced!!!!! so very thankful that he is healthy.......i love rex so much......i can't imagine a day of my life without him........
next month we will celebrate 34yrs of marriage!!!! wow....and some said it would never last!

i just LOVE my life!

1 comment:

Monica said...

I'm so so so so glad he is ok. How scary!!! Love you both to pieces!!